
Class TesselatedFontChar

The TextFormat class represents character formatting information. Use the TextFormat class to create specific text formatting for text fields. You can apply text formatting to both static and dynamic text fields. The properties of the TextFormat class apply to device and embedded fonts. However, for embedded fonts, bold and italic text actually require specific fonts. If you want to display bold or italic text with an embedded font, you need to embed the bold and italic variations of that font.

You must use the constructor new TextFormat() to create a TextFormat object before setting its properties. When you apply a TextFormat object to a text field using the TextField.defaultTextFormat property or the TextField.setTextFormat() method, only its defined properties are applied. Use the TextField.defaultTextFormat property to apply formatting BEFORE you add text to the TextField, and the setTextFormat() method to add formatting AFTER you add text to the TextField. The TextFormat properties are null by default because if you don't provide values for the properties, Flash Player uses its own default formatting. The default formatting that Flash Player uses for each property(if property's value is null) is as follows:

The default formatting for each property is also described in each property description.


  • TesselatedFontChar




  • new TesselatedFontChar(fill_data?: AttributesBuffer, stroke_data?: AttributesBuffer): TesselatedFontChar
  • Parameters

    • Default value fill_data: AttributesBuffer = null
    • Default value stroke_data: AttributesBuffer = null

    Returns TesselatedFontChar



char_width: number

The width of the char


fill_data: AttributesBuffer


kerningCharCodes: Array<number>

the char_codes that this geom has kerning set for


kerningValues: Array<number>

the kerning values per char_code


stroke_data: AttributesBuffer

Elements for this char

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