
Class TextLineMetrics

The TextLineMetrics class contains information about the text position and measurements of a line of text within a text field. All measurements are in pixels. Objects of this class are returned by the away.entities.TextField.getLineMetrics() method.


  • TextLineMetrics






  • new TextLineMetrics(x?: number, width?: number, height?: number, ascent?: number, descent?: number, leading?: number): TextLineMetrics
  • Creates a TextLineMetrics object. The TextLineMetrics object contains information about the text metrics of a line of text in a text field. Objects of this class are returned by the away.entities.TextField.getLineMetrics() method.


    • Default value x: number = NaN

      The left position of the first character in pixels.

    • Default value width: number = NaN

      The width of the text of the selected lines (not necessarily the complete text) in pixels.

    • Default value height: number = NaN

      The height of the text of the selected lines (not necessarily the complete text) in pixels.

    • Default value ascent: number = NaN

      The length from the baseline to the top of the line height in pixels.

    • Default value descent: number = NaN

      The length from the baseline to the bottom depth of the line in pixels.

    • Default value leading: number = NaN

      The measurement of the vertical distance between the lines of text.

    Returns TextLineMetrics



ascent: number

The ascent value of the text is the length from the baseline to the top of the line height in pixels.


descent: number

The descent value of the text is the length from the baseline to the bottom depth of the line in pixels.


height: number

The height value of the text of the selected lines (not necessarily the complete text) in pixels. The height of the text line does not include the gutter height.


leading: number

The leading value is the measurement of the vertical distance between the lines of text.


width: number

The width value is the width of the text of the selected lines (not necessarily the complete text) in pixels. The width of the text line is not the same as the width of the text field. The width of the text line is relative to the text field width, minus the gutter width of 4 pixels (2 pixels on each side).


x: number

The x value is the left position of the first character in pixels. This value includes the margin, indent (if any), and gutter widths.

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